New Insights
A book with a new understanding of an old truth about Daniel’s prediction of Christ’s death to the minute. This book is factually dense with logically reasoned analysis. Topics include:
• Identifying the birth and death dates of Christ.
• How the prophecy of the Old Testament and fulfillment of the New Testament melds perfectly with the timing and events of history.
• The identification of Jubilee and Sabbatical years and their alignment to Daniel’s 490 years.
• A better understanding of specified Scriptural passages through study of the original language & the Jewish calendar.
• Forty Six years stood the Temple is a mistranslation and this is explained.
• Identifying the birth and death dates of Christ.
• How the prophecy of the Old Testament and fulfillment of the New Testament melds perfectly with the timing and events of history.
• The identification of Jubilee and Sabbatical years and their alignment to Daniel’s 490 years.
• A better understanding of specified Scriptural passages through study of the original language & the Jewish calendar.
• Forty Six years stood the Temple is a mistranslation and this is explained.